Writer : Ishrat Jahan Purobhi.
There are mainly two types of sutures :
(1) Natural /Biological suture :
Absorbable : Catgut
Non absorbable : Silk suture

(2) Synthetic suture :
Absorbable : Polyglactin( Vicryl ) – Ethicon
[Polysoft – Incepta ]
Non absorbable : Polypropylene ( Prolene)

Length of the suture material :
- Polyglactin : 90cm, 70cm.
- Polypropylene : 90cm, 70cm, 75cm
- Cat gut : 100cm, 75cm.
Parts of the needle:
- 1) Head / Point
- 2) Body
- 3) Swage / eye
Length of the needle:
- Polyglactin : 36mm
- Polypropylene :30mm, 22 mm
- Cat gut : 25mm, 45mm
Shape of the body of the needle :
- 1. 1÷2 circle
- 2. 3÷8 circle
- 3. 5÷8 circle
- 4.1/2 circle
- 5.J shape
- 6.1/2 curved
- 7. Compound curve
- 8.Straight
Cutting edge of the needle :
- 1.
Cutting ( cutting edge convex margin)
- 2.
Reverse cutting ( cutting edge concave margin)
- 3.
Taper cutting ( Gradual tapering of cutting edge)
- 4.
Round bodied
Number of the Filament of the suture :
- 1. Monofillament : polypropylene
- 2. Multifillament : polyglactin ( braided & coated)
Edited By : Nahid Hassan.